5596 Rue Snowdon

5596 Snowdon Street, Montreal, QC

(1 review)

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Évalué le Jan 24, 2022

Note générale


Le propriétaire complète les réparations
Le propriétaire collabore facilement
Le propriétaire répond à vos demandes
Le propriétaire est joignable


Localisation (services, quartier)
Conditions d'habitabilité
Isolation thermique
Isolation sonore

This upper duplex looks nice, is a big 3 bedroom unit, and is in a good location. But the thing that made this apartment a truly horrible living experience were the landlords, who live in the downstairs unit. They do not repair anything properly. They try to do it on the cheap (meaning they try to do it themselves), but because they don't have the skills to repair things properly, nothing ever gets fixed. The drain in the kitchen sink was blocked and smelled super gross, and they refused to hire a plumber. Instead, the landlord suggested I pour lemon juice down the drain. When we had mice, they refused to hire an exterminator. So just be aware that you're dealing with the kinds of landlords who refuse to spend a little money to fix things properly. And when you pay a lot in rent (we were paying $2000/month at the time), this is the least the landlord could do.

The other thing that made this living experience really unpleasant was the behavior of the landlords, who lived in the bottom unit. The house is not soundproof at all; you can literally hear everything from downstairs. The folks downstairs were so loud it made living here almost unbearable. They were also just inconsiderate in general and not respectful of boundaries. One time one of the landlords entered the unit without notice when we were home. We didn't hear the doorbell because we were out on the deck, so he let himself in for no reason (it wasn't an emergency or anything like that). That was really startling. I have so many stories I could share here, but just know they are really inconsiderate landlords and horrible neighbors.

- Good location. Close to Villa metro and Monkland village. Walking distance to IGA.

- Bad landlords (not responsive, do not repair things properly so they just keep breaking, try to do everything super cheaply, overall very inconsiderate).
- Unit looks nicely renovated, but it was renovated poorly and cheaply so everything breaks and/or doesn't work properly.
- Not soundproof at all, and downstairs neighbors are very loud and inconsiderate of the noise they make. This made living here a truly horrible experience.
- Located right next to a school, so the traffic at pick-up and drop off is horrendous. It makes it difficult to leave or come home during that time.
- No storage space in the unit. Not enough closet/storage space.

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  • 5596 Snowdon Street, Montreal, QC